Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Much to be thankful for this season...

...a new job that soooooo ROCKS - a great boss who I am friends with - wonderful times with my family at home doing family stuff -- getting a cut out cardboard leaf with the message "I am thankful for: Mom and Dad" from my four year old son (and he did one saying he was thankful for toys balance it out I guess)...for a cute husband that keeps me from running on empty...for my lovely friend in Chicago that just sent me photos of my godson (too cute!)...for chocolate...all things chocolate...for direct deposit...for that additional hour of sleep...for the turkey we'll be chowing down on tomorrow...and to my father in law for a rather cool Turkey Day gift to me (Issac won't like it one bit!).

There is much more that I'm thankful for today and this season, and things keep getting better for us...we are truly blessed and God is helping us despite our well intentioned efforts that make us stressed for no reason.

Thanks also to the Theotokos - she always has her hand on me showing me where to look and what direction to go in when I'm not going towards Christ.


Have a great turkey day and give those family members a big hug when you see them this year at Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

So what is this thing that I am sure to not like? You've got me curious now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and a wonderful Thanksgiving to you, Cparks, and Jparks. God bless.

Unknown said...

a CAR! more specifically, a Ford Explorer from my Father in Law!

Sorry, I can't bike all those miles!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. What should I say? Congratulations on the gift, that is for sure. Other than that, this subject is potentially touchy, sort of like telling people how to name their child, lol (don't worry, I asked for people's opinions on that, so you're fine). I do wish it could have at least been a smaller vehicle, but then I don't know the context which could potentially justify it (like my ownership of a minivan).

Anyway, that is a great gift, a new vehicle, and I am glad for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and don't take the "potentially justify it" comment to mean that you need to justify it, at least not to me.

Ah, see, now this whole subject is making me nervous, lol.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Nino! (And Isaac!)

Unknown said...

Issac, thanks so much for making me laugh out loud by reading your comments - you're the best! I don't take offense to anything you said! Now, what should I name my vehicle? LOL!!!

It's not a delicate vehicle by any means, and it's perfect for a tomboy like me (well, I used to be a tomboy). It was a 'thing' in my family to name our cars. We just did. No Christian names or anything, just weird names.

I hope you and your brood had a great Thanksgiving - and you too Miss Laura!