Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Gotta love a company that constantly shows photos of the Virgin Mary...

...yes, folks, that is the Virgin Mary (albeit a statue, but let's not be picky). I was raised as a 'old school' RC, and darn it - THIS is how I know the Virgin Mary. From this exact form of statue. It's from a medallion/miracle in France that all good RC boys and especially girls were told to wear around their necks each day for protection and for Her prayers.

Not many kids did it, but I'm telling you, I did whatever those nuns told me to do and believed in it 1000%! Seeing this statue of her just reminds me of all the wonderful memories I had at my church and private RC schools growing up. Any life changing service we had at church or school was remembered with a photo of me in front of this statue. I used to hug it when nobody was looking. LOL! I know, I'm silly.

Not very Orthodox of me, that's for sure! But my heart was - and still is - in the right place when it comes to Virgin Mary things here on Earth. I don't care if it's a statue, it's means a lot to me.

Maybe I'll have my photo taken in front of Her again, just for old times sake and to commemorate another happy time in my life. And, of course, there's the eternal connection for me of the Virgin Mary and my Grandmother, Marie. I know they are both praying for me, then and now.

Thank you, Blessed Theotokos for always being there for me!

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