Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The cutest thing...

...that I saw today was my friend/hairdresser and her hubby with their new baby - all of 2.5 weeks old and about 8 pounds. Cute, petite, quiet, gassy and QUIET. Having a son with colic who weighed in at 10 pounds fresh from the womb, it was so refreshing to hold this little, tiny baby named Tessa.

No, I'm not getting 'baby fever' - I'm done! AND, it's nice to hold a baby for a half and hour and give it back to it's parents for poopy patrol. Always being surrounded by boys and men in my life, it's nice to see some pink frilly stuff in a small, cute package!

Finally! I have someone to knit girl stuff for! Hooray!

Then there's my aching body after a really light workout - I'm to visit the gym again tomorrow and am already asking my hubby 'um, when does it start to feel good?' - because I can't remember it's been that long! I used to LOVE going to the gym and spending some time there doing some good, but it's such a hard climb uphill again.

My abs are crying and Advil won't help. Time for some protein shake help! How DOES Lance Armstrong do this stuff on a bike day after day - I asked myself this as I attempted THREE minutes on the silly Reebok cycle bike machine on level one. I think I finally reached for the STOP button and walked on the treadmill. Gone are the days when I would do the Elliptical machines for an hour!

Tomorrow will be a better (and painful) day! ;o)

I did find the most interesting shoes to help eliminate my sciatic back pain - check it out at: -- I'm eyeing the white tennies for my walking routine. I tried on a pair today at a local store and I'm IN LOVE! My back felt 100% better in only a few minutes. Yeah, they cost a small fortune, but they are official orthopedic footwear and from what I hear - most insurances will cover a percentage of the expense. If you're pregnant - I don't see how you can live without them.

Next week - possibly starting into the work force again. Where will I be placed? Will it be temp or perm? Oh boy, there's a bunch of stuff that I know I can write about observing the young 'uns at work in today's workplace!

Yes, I'll be nice. Just keep the chocolate and mochas coming, Dad! LOL!


Anonymous said...

What field of employment will you be looking into? And if it is any consolation, I am usually of the opinion that if you don't feel it the next day, you didn't really do it. It's just God's way of letting you know you really had a good work out, lol.

Keep it up. I'll dedicate my new "monster" hill route to you.

Anonymous said...

Nino, I think that's what they call being a weekend warrior. Take it easy on yourself or you'll get discouraged!

Of course I've resisted my husband's suggestion to go to our local Y with the family almost every day this week. I can make excuses easier than I can suffer pain. Your story isn't getting me any closer to the gym, either, I'll have you know.

My husband Tony saw an article recently that showed the results of a study about how men and women exercise. The author concluded that men really do like to sweat, and women don' much. I've been telling him that for years and he never believed it until he saw someone else make the same conclusion. I usually only break a sweat when I mow the grass, and then I don't think what a great feeling it is to sweat and "flush the toxins out of my body," I think, "Yuck. I need a shower." So that's one of my main excuses for not going to the gym. Oh, that, and the pain.

Unknown said...

Thanks to Issac for the dedication of his route to my wimpy-ness and many apologies to Laura for whining so much that I'm scaring her away from the gym! LOL!

I agree with the men like sweat and women don't - I also am so sensitive to smells. Body odor will literally turn my tummy around and I run for the exits. That, and smelly ladies who think that pouring that cheap Tea Rose scent on them by the gallons will make them attractive -- to what, I don't know.

In the '80's, they used to say that unless you were sweaty and smelly after aerobics or going to a gym that you didn't 'do anything' for your body. I was always afraid I'd clear the room out with my lovely rose-scented body odor! LOL!

Because we all know that women don't sweat and we don't smell either!

Ugh! Toxins in the body - now I'm fighting the heebie-jeebies!