Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Sunday, November 06, 2005

When your kid has an ear infection... nice to the poor dear! This ear infection that I have (at 34 not 3) is just awful. I'm so tired and flu-like at time that it's just unreal. The last time I had a real ear infection was sometime in High School, but I caught it early and it wasn't that big of an infection - however, the doctors were still passing out antibiotics like candy at Halloween, so I never really had to deal with it full blown.

OW! Or, maybe it's just because I'm too much of a big baby to deal with it anymore. LOL! The good news is that, as of this typing, our son has NEVER had an ear infection THANK GOD! He was blessed with really really good ears and a great immune system apparently. I do believe the breast feeding had something to do with it, so I have to credit that too. Growing up with an ear infection every month just wasn't my idea of fun as a kid. It must be said that I did a LOT of swimming as a child, so we have to thank Mr. Swimmers Ear before it turned into a full blown infection.

Interesting enough, my siblings had ear infections a lot as well. Hmmm. We were not breast fed either. We have allergy problems and get sick more than 'normal' folks do - at least from what I've seen. It got better as we got older, so not sure if it's just genetics (albeit poor ones) or really something in that breast milk that God so wonderfully created.

I'll be going to work tomorrow due to a project that I must get out the door, and if I need to come home early, my boss is a nurse, she can help me with my decision I'm sure. If it's just that I need some rest, well, we have a couch in the office I can rest on.

Such an awesome office. I'm taking photos and finding a computer strong enough to load them for y'all.

Upcoming events - CP's birthday and name day, but right between those dates, my godson's birthday. Aw! He's just so darn cute. I want to load up his photo so you see his curly red hair and how much he loves his Chicago White Sox! He's also so big -- our 'babies' just ain't little anymore. It DOES go by quickly as they all say the day you bring your bundle of colicky joy home, minus 48 hours of sleep already.

But who's really counting? Isn't there eye cream for those black circles? No, sorry, those are genetic too. So, I'm thankful that JP got his daddy's genes when it comes to not being sick. Somewhere in that family they are healthy as children, so that's what I'm happy about.

So, when your child gets tired, cranky, pushy and generally overloaded and seems to be holding his or her little ear, be nice, it's probably an ear infection. And those things aren't fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor girl. Sorry to hear about your ear infection. I remember those as a part of my sickly youth, no fun at all.

Of course, mine came with a fever and delirium. That always fun for my Mom (/sarcasm).