Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Monday, August 02, 2010

Painting for a cause

Today I was asked to paint something, anything, for a local charity auction by a good friend of the family.  I used to work with her hubby at HP back in the day, and know that these people are the most generous and kind folks in the world, so of course I said 'yes'.  Saying 'no' would be a sin and totally selfish. 

It's for the American Heart Association's local chapter and it's a good organization that our hospital partners up with for heart disease each year.  It's amazing how many women are affected by heart disease - way more than you'd think and way more than men are.  There is a co worker who is the picture of health, beautiful, smart, a go getter, goes to the gym, eats right and all that but had a stroke one year.  We were stunned.  How did this happen to her??? 

Looking back, she sees the 'signs' that she ignored and realizes that she was a prime candidate for this all along.  Friends, co workers, people I know through associations here and there have all been hit with some type of heart issue - and sometimes it takes them away forever.

I'm hoping that my painting will raise enough funds to help with research or education or both with the AHA this year and protect my friends, family and co workers who might be touched by heart disease.  Being asked by a woman with a compassionate and loving heart to donate some art today made me remember all those I know with heart disease or those who are already gone because of it and of course, their families left behind wondering if it will happen to them.

God gives us talents to use in this lifetime - I'm hoping that my little talent can help others this year.

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