Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Monday, April 10, 2006

Just saying...

The Republicans in Sonoma County are crazy drivers. There, I've said it.

Keep in mind that I'm not a member of any party thank you very much, but man, I expected more from people with "W" on their cars and all the other anti-democratic stickers on their bumpers.

They cut you off, honk, flip you off (which is really mature) and don't use their lights or signals. NO, the Kerry people can't find the petal to actually MOVE their car, but at least they use signals and are too full of whatever drug to flip you off - they just coast along....

Man, I tried to park at Safeway this morning and this guy with W stickers all over the place suddenly decides to shut off the car (after being there for a while) and jump out of the vehicle - thank goodness I was alert and didn't mow him over. I stopped and waited as he glared at me, grabbed his 'stuff' and slowly got out of the car, closed the door and sauntered into the store. What a gentleman! Thank God I didn't hit him...

Just noticed that those folks with W stickers are a bit nasty all of the sudden, and I don't have any party on my vehicle...not even an NRA sticker.

Maybe that's my problem!!! LOL!

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