Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Saturday, February 26, 2005

No such thing as a Dyslexic Knitters Group!!

What are people thinking? I searched on line for something to do with Dyslexia and knitting and so far have come up empty handed.


I think this is a HUGE problem (because I have it!! LOL!) that needs to be addressed. Here's my thoughts on the group. We knit, we don't notice each others mistakes, when the sweater or thing we're making is totally tiny, we can all laugh! Oh, and don't forget the mochas! We cannot talk or have TV or music on, for that would really mess us up.

Sounds like a great group, eh?

...and thanks to Craig's list, I scored on a metal easel for my soon to be mini studio/work area - for $8!! SO LOVE Craig's List!!! The lady who was selling it took ONE community college class and I don't know WHO she had as a teacher, but it discouraged her to the point of selling a $50-$80 easel for $8. That's sad, because that happened to me and I WAS an artist (well, we're talking in my first year of college).

I would love to be an art teacher - even on a temp basis (they have little studios for children here in my area...hmmmm) to encourage kids to express themselves with all forms of art. I guess it's trying to make up for what I lacked actually having some art 'gift' and no proper steering or support from school teachers or even family.

But not really - there's a wonderful little group of gals that are just becoming teenagers and for whatever reason, they like hanging out with me. Well, I know the reason - I've got chocolate and ice cream and Jelly Belly stuff here!

Anyhow, their parents know that they are safe and having fun and probably don't know that their kids are talented and afraid to jump into painting, sculpting, drawing, whatever. One of the young gals tried to paint with me and we had a blast! She was a natural and I was shocked to hear that her art teacher really didn't like her stuff and didn't spend time with her, so she gave up.

Homeschooling anyone? LOL!

Okay, so the next time you go to Craig's List - 'cause they ROCK! LOVE YOU CRAIG!!! - go to the groups list and find my new (not real) group!

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