Okay, we all know that I love my new job (almost totally official - long boring temporary/contract buy out story) and we know that I knit and paint...but haven't been doing much painting this half of the year. So, I showed my new boss my art website (that I really REALLY need to update) and she said to let her know how much duplicates cost from the lab (on canvas or other) with mats and frames and they'll buy them for her office and the hospital hallway at the urgent care clinic that we work at.
They've got Sierra Club posters in nice frames that have been there FOREVER and need to go - and a lot of blank walls or older looking 'Thomas Kinkade' posters in frames that I really loathe.
So, it's the job with the sidejob! LOL! Also, I've still got a backlog of paintings to do, at least 5 jobs that I haven't finished yet - so this should get me going again.
I had to bow out of work on Friday due to feeling like crap - apparently I have an ear infection and a sinus infection - my body was fighting it off all week - which I think is great progress for my immune system. Remember, I had the appendix taken out and man, did that make all the difference with my health. I'm getting better, but now on antibiotics. Ugh! Hate those things, but they are needed.
Did I say that I LOVE my job? Because in case you didn't know...I do!
I'm still in the learning and re-organizing everything mode and will be for at least another month, but that's normal. It's nice having a job where I don't feel so overwhelmed and where to boss doesn't expect the world from me all the time. I do my best and am appreciated. So refreshing!
Also, I signed up to be a volunteer with the whole organization - knitting things for cancer patients (hats and scarves), blankets for babies, blankets and warm things for the elderly and those who are re-habing...there's a lot of other things that I could volunteer for, but I think I'll start there. I've always liked doing things for others, but know there's a limit this time. I'm only one person!
Today I am resting up, hanging out with Justin who likes to be called JP now (ha ha!) and cleaning up my messy house. Yeah, it's actually messy due to me working again. None of this OCD stuff anymore. Now I really do need to clean my house once a week, not every ten seconds. See, working is a good thing for me. I've always done it, so not working just makes me depressed and scatterbrained. Very Lucy like or Gracie like as my hubby likes to say.
Now I've gotta get the gym into the schedule somewhere so I can stay healthy. Issac, how do you maintain your health working in a medical environment? I'm curious!
More to come this week! Thanks to all for your prayers. By the by, CP's birthday is coming up on the 15th...make sure you e-mail him a LOT that day!
I was pretty sickly as a child, right up through highschool, but around the time I graduated, I sort of out grew that and since then have had relatively good health, being sick only infrequently and usually being able to manage even when I am ill.
Aside from that, it's good to excercise, and you know how I am doing that, eat right, and stay rested. Actually, I think the staying rested part is vital for your overall health and cannot recommend it enough.
Plus, it doesn't hurt that as a medical secretary, my contact with patients is largely indirect. Oh, and I work on a surgical unit, not a general pediatrics unit, where contagens would be a lot more prevalent.
So there's my secret, part biological, part discipline, and part sheer good fortune. I figure it's pretty much the same for any healthy individual, we're all ultimately dependent upon the will of God in the matter.
Oh, definitely rest! My cold came on and stayed on as long as I was not helping myself by resting and relaxing. I'd go to theology discussion boards for my relaxation time, believe it or not, so it's no wonder I couldn't mentally recharge! Oh, brother!
My kids all had constant ear infections when they were younger. I think it was a combination of genetics (physiology of the inner ear, maybe, until about age 4?) and that they came with me to work in a nursery several times a week. They were always sick. JP is very, very fortunate to be healthy. I hope you get back to normal soon too, Nino!
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