All is not lost, all hope is not lost...well, that's the rule in Corporate America. OR it's just God teaching me, yet again, the virtue of patience.
Patience and I, well, we just don't work well together. I'm too much of a control freak for it to ever work out.
So, the handful of jobs at this place that I would LOVE to work at is kinda on hold until the Reqs get into HR - and then there's a few other things that have to happen before I get called in for another interview.
More patience needed I guess. Well, who said that good things come to those who wait? LOL!
In the meantime, I'll be temping at another company - another HUGE health care company in the HR/Corporate offices (I know, I'm laughing too), what are the odds???
It's a better paying gig and it's a month long, so I'll feel productive enough for a while - or at least until I land the job that I want.
Good news for my fellow smarty-pants Excel know it alls - I'm working with Excel and actually am growing quite fond of it. It's fun when I understand what the heck is going on.
Well, it sounds like your temp agency is keeping you busy until you can land something permenant at the Catholic Hospital (or wherever else the Lord has you go to), so I am happy for you, although that is odd that you keep getting healthcare jobs. You must have some sort of medical field aura about you :D
And good to hear you diving into excel, it's the best way to go about it.
Yeah, I thought of that too, me being in the medical field all of the sudden.
Hmmm. Didn't think I was the type, honestly! My sister in TN, now she's the nurse with all of the blood and guts - not my thing.
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