...which is this weekend! It reminds me of preparing for our original wedding only this time it's much smaller (only family and true friends in the area - everyone else we're close to MOVED out of state!) and much, MUCH more casual. By far.
CP will have to wear the second part of a Greek Wedding Crown that I made out of flowers and ribbons, but other than that, I think it will go off without a hitch. It's not really a 'wedding blessing' either. More of a thanksgiving service with some improvising from our dear Fr. Sergius for the crowns and a kiss at the end. He's a fun priest-monk and loves a good party!
As it is right now, the weather should be FABOO which means we are blessed once again with lovely weather for a wedding event in October (ten years ago in Bodega and Bodega Bay we lucked out with the same awesome weather and had the reception outside - like we're doing this time, only in Calistoga).
My cousin is taking photos since she's a good photographer (she took a great photo of JP at school for their school's ad) and knows my 'best side' to take photos on! LOL! Well, we all have a 'side' that we favor, right?
CP and I were noticing the photos that I collected from our many events through the past 10 years or so of us - and how YOUNG we were in our twenties getting married! Yikes! We looked like a couple of KIDS! No wonder the people at my office were always saying 'gosh, you're kinda young to be getting married" - I was all of 24! And, if you know what I look like (and what I act like sometimes!!!) you know that I can and have been mistaken for a high schooler. Or a '12 year old' according to my husband and my best friend, Jenn.
With my new 'do' and colouring in my hair, I tend to lean more towards my age although people still mistake me for being in my 'late twenties!' -- I always laugh and tell them that although I loved the compliment, I'm a solid 34. Biologically anyways. Mentally, well, the jury is still out. I'm a kid at heart, always.
My beloved hubby looked like a young, dark and handsome college boy with his baseball hat on, short hair and Bono-esque smile of confidence with me on his arm. Ah! Now he's turning into a dapper grey haired MAN - and is still pretty darn cute if you ask me.
It makes me think of JP when he gets to that age (twenties? thirties?) - and announces his intentions to marry. I wonder if I will be shocked thinking "he's just a KID" or will I be better than that? I know that CP's parents were shocked, so shocked when they heard the 'news' on the telephone that CP's dad didn't say anything and passed the phone to his wife. I still laugh when I remember that one. It's their first son - their baby! Hmmm. Wonder what will happen? Well, he's only four, but in a blink of an eye, he'll be old enough I'm told.
Anyhow, we're doing a thanksgiving service to thank God for his love and blessings and lessons (hard and even harder) that we've been through during the past 10 years or so. JP says he has to be involved in the event because he's still not happy that he wasn't there when we first were married! I thought that was cute of him. He also expected photos of HIM on our wedding picture board that I've created for the event - to see how we've changed over the years. There's pregnancy photos of just us, a new baby with family photo and of course, a recent photo of JP being, well, a happy JP. He's happy.
As for the job front - all is looking good for me. The first hospital interview went very well and I've got more coming in the next couple of weeks. It's nice to feel needed again by an office. The temp agency that got me the first hospital gig has landed me another one - same building - different level - same people - for the next week. The kicker is this - the two people that are looking for Exec Admins are IN THIS NEW OFFICE I'll be working in as the receptionist!!!
God works in mysterious ways, that's for sure. One thing I can count on is this: God has always had his hand 'on me' - so to speak. Either in comforting me, pushing me through something (or a door), dragging me away from toxic situations or people, or His hand is open, giving me abundant blessings always. Truly I am a blessed woman, even when things aren't going well - they are in some way.
Oh, and when, praytell, do we 'fall back' - or are they trying to abolish that? I think they should keep the 'fall back' and eliminate the 'spring forward'!!! Yeah, I know, it wouldn't work! Does anyone know when the time changes???
Daylight Savings time ends on the last Sunday of October, the 30th this year.
You two have a great time with your wedding blessing. 10 years is a great thing to celebrate.
Oh, just so you know, the US has changed the law governing DST so that starting in 2007 it will begin the second Sunday in March and end the first Sunday in November.
Nah, there's no sassy potential sidekicks around! I'm seeming to be one of the younger gals in the office at age 34! You'll like this about the new gig - the corporate motto/mission statement also includes what makes their employees stick around longer (retention) and happier - one of their items is 'have a best friend at work' - and they make you choose someone.
But what if you already have one in Chicago??? Guess you'll have to move back.
No, I think those manditory friend relocations are only if you work with the mofia. You aren't working for the mofia now, are you? Just what kind of nuns are those?
Well, Jenn-Irene's 90 or 100 year old Uncle IS part of the mafia...and she does want to relocate to California (after just moving a few months ago from here)...hmmm.
I laughed about the nun comment. THEY WANT YOU TO BE FRIENDS with everyone in your office! LOL! It's a strange thing at first, but they really are interested in how you ARE and what you're DOING - maybe they are the mafia! AHHHH!
Those RC French Nuns! Sly!
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