Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Friday, October 21, 2005

I've found my alter-ego...the Crabby Office Lady!!!

It's Microsoft's way of being funny and informative, but I like her. She's a crab, she knows her stuff and well, I think I'll be her for Halloween this year. LOL!

Gotta love the gray hair and the yellow 'do rag' going on there.

I think that when I finally land a job, I will become the 'Crabby Lady of the Office' due to everyone always coming up to me and asking me for assistance with their software and computer issues. Not sure if I'm totally up to the task these days, but I can certainly try to get the old brain going again.

Think I'll take an Excel course too. Or if not a course, then a tutorial of some sort on line. This is because I just can't seem to skim around life in an office without using it (or being forced to use it). So, OKAY! I'll learn it.

I'm a master of all Windows stuff - but Excel. Hate it. Too many numbers and formulas. Bosses love it, so there you have it.

Oh, and I totally forgot to say on line "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER MEL" who, is of course, 21 plus tax (like ALL my sisters, friends, godfamily, etc., are). Maybe it's that we don't like math or something.

Crabby Lady out!


Anonymous said...

I've always found excel to be my favorite. But then I'm a math nut.

You don't really need to take a course, just read the manual (You can buy it from just about any bookstore, but it also comes electronically with the program), that will get you 99% of what you might ever want, and then just play with the program, that's how children learn and they seem to be good at picking up on stuff like this.

Pretty soon you'll be well on your way to solving everyone elses excel issues with your trademark scowl :P

Anonymous said...

I got an Excel workbook for kids. Two years after I got it we finally had a reason to use it for a graph. I used this kid's book as a tutorial and then I taught Robert how to do it. It's time consuming to learn, which is a drag, but it's not difficult. I still have a lot to learn about Excel functions but since I never use it I'm in no rush. If we ever put the kids into private high school I'll probably have to transform myself from Crabby Homeschool Mom into Crabby Office Lady, that is, unless I attain inner peace by then... which I highly doubt.

Unknown said...

That's a good idea - a kid's manual! Laura, you're a brain! I would never have thought of that!

The more I use Excel, the less afraid of it I become...hey, I'm even linking spreadsheets! It's fun!