Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Landed a gig!

Thanks to everyone for all your prayers, good thoughts, advice and to listening to me go on and on about getting a JOB in the past month.

This job is a temporary one, for a month, but it's at the local hospital (which is a Catholic run hospital) in their HR department - and that might mean further work - or more assignments through the temp agency. We'll see.

Today I passed out during the blood test (didn't snack prior to going - silly me!) and had a TB test to be 'read' on Friday. Then, on the 27th I begin my re-entry into the working world.

CP and I were talking about how good this is for me - I mean, yeah, we need the money - but it's more about me getting out of the house and talking to my peers, etc., and so forth. I thought about it and realized that not only am I Miss Independent, but have been since age 16. I've always worked, I've always done SOMETHING - so, being at home doing nothing but resting - well, it's not my thing.

Sure, I'll gripe about work and probably how hard it is to get back into the swing of things (I've known women that have done what I'll be doing soon and so I'm anticipating it) but I'm so thankful to get a job with a place that really appreciates where I'm at and helped me out a lot with my resume (they told me not to dumb it down). It's only a temp agency, but it seems that it may be good for me at this time of my life - and they treat me well. Placing me at a hospital HR center ain't too shabby!

So, again, thanks to everyone for the tremendous support. Of course, I'll keep everyone posted at night here on the blog.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I hope they have sense enough to keep you longer than a month, and I hope you like it well enough to want to continue past the month!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and praise God for landing in such a pleasant situation.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and don't worry about the passing out thing, I've done it with just the silly little TB test placement, and I've worked at a hospital for almost 4 years now, lol. I really hate needles.