Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Donations being taken locally for Katrina and tomorrow? Next year??

Today as I drove JP to the doctors (just me being overly motherly regarding a big cough with my little man), we noticed a huge trailer with a sign regarding local donations to be driven over to shelters here and nearer to the Southern areas hit by this recent hurricane and for anybody going to be in need from the newer hurricane if it hits the Carolinas.

It was being run by a local Christian Mission group and boy, were they organized. NEW stuff was being collected on one side (in packages or with tags attached) and GOOD used stuff (which of course I had!) was being accepted, BUT you had to go through your bags with a volunteer and show them what was kids stuff, womens, mens, etc.

Being the Martha Stewart that I think I am, I had already washed, sorted and folded everything. JP donated some clothes and some newer stuffed animals that he had duplicates of and any clothing that my Aunt gave us (kids stuff) that my friends didn't pick up on due to size or colour were donated. Anything that was 'holey' or stained didn't make the cut, for that's not something I'd wear, so, well, you get the picture.

They have a huge bin for NEW socks (kids and adults) and underwear. Apparently there's a shortage and there's no way you're gonna accept USED stuff in this category for you or your kids. These people have been through enough already - no time to be cheap.

Then I had a thought - why don't we do this as a community for the homeless more often - or do this for the single mothers on welfare more than just on Christmas? Why don't we have a local contact at our local church for donations OR rummage sale intake monies to go to major shelter needs (like in the South right now) or normally to the local battered women's shelters, the Pregnancy Counseling Centers, the Salvation Army (who does wonderful work with the Lutherans in this area to help rehab the men and women with substance and drinking abuses) - why not?

Then I thought of the Jesuits. The 'rule' with them is this - nothing belongs to you - it's from God - give it away. Books, clothes, furniture, cash, help, jobs - well, what 'ya got on 'ya? Give it away. No, not only the monastics either. This means the lay folk too.

I thought about all of this while driving around this morning.

Hmmm. It may become my new 'thing' keep things like this in front of people's faces, to ask for donations of GOOD stuff - clothing for example - or to get kids involved so that they don't forget their peers who face these needs. AND let's not forget that we all - in life - run into problems or need help from time to time. Pride keeps us just above the poverty line at times and keeps our butts at work, but as Christians, caring for others is our JOB.

Period. I don't care HOW the people 'got poor' or how they're just 'low lifes' or whatever I've heard over the years for 'why these types of people need to learn a lesson' - blah, blah, blah. Been there, done that.

Silence the judging and inner critic and HELP someone, anyone, today. NOW.

Today is a great day to start. Tomorrow you may be a person in need.

May God have mercy on us all today! -- and happy belated feast day - I didn't post anything about the Birthday of the Theotokos on Thursday! May She have mercy and pray for us all.

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