Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Back to school in the Fall for me!

Due to many changes that have recently happened in the past, oh, week, I have opportunity to take one painting class in the Fall. Can't do this in the Summer because I'll be setting up the studio for the ARTrails walk through in order to be approved for the October showings (two weekends). Doing an art class PLUS everything else I'm doing right now just isn't smart.

So, school will wait until Fall. My favorite teacher - my Maestro - Michael - will be there offering the intermediate class in painting that I'd like to take. However, since I can take the beginning painting class three times, perhaps that would be a better course of action.

We'll see what Michael says. All I know is that I need some direction and some freedom to paint without all these projects hovering over my head. There's the move - we're still unpacking - there's the action packed month we're in now - appointments, classes for our son, art reception and mini showing - I'll be lucky if we can get the garage cleared out and the walls ready to go for my painting area!

In the meantime, my poor canvases with light pencil sketches and photo references attached to them sadly sit in my new garage. They look so forgotten, so sad! All Gesso'd up and nowhere to go!

They certainly could use some colour!

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