Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Friday, January 07, 2005

even if I did get the flu shot...

...I would have been sick I believe....

...OKAY, this flu thing is getting rather old. I hate it. I can't drive, think, talk, eat - I'm a mess. I try to knit (new stitches) but end up messing that up too because I'm so FLU-ee!!

I'm dropping out of the Luther Burbank Greenhouse painting and art show and auction due to me being so darn sick. I can't bear the thought of painting right now. Gotta have my brain to do that I think. Well, perhaps there is next year. I would have turned in my greenhouse painting, but it sold - and sold to a dear friend of mine who is enjoying it totally! The greenhouse was a personal favorite of hers as she grew up in this area. Had to let her have it. That's WHY I paint. If someone 'gets' a painting and wants to buy it - that's my job and I did it.

Back to this silly flu --- I realized that I can't type either. Transposing things and can't spell very well. Forgive any weird grammar and poor spelling!!!

...oh, and Happy Russian Christmas (today!) -- CHRIST IS BORN! GLORIFY HIM!!

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