Here she comes - another DEADLINE!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH! Well, more like "ahhhh!" since the entries for the Harvest Fair (a pretty popular wine and art fest around these parts) are mostly completed.
Then, I get the call on Saturday from an official. They didn't like the title of my boat painting. Apparently it's not in Sonoma County, but Marin County. Oh brother! So, I'm doing a quickie Cezanne like painting of Bodega Harbor or Bodega Head. And I mean quick. The paintings are due in about five days.
Then Christmas is coming up (well, it is) and family members are placing 'orders' for their gifts. Hey, it beats going to the mall for something they may or may not like. Not to mention cheaper - hey, I'm a full time mom with a husband in school full time in the languages/Classics department - cheap is GOOD around here.
Last night we celebrated my best friend's birthday (we're both 21 - always, we never age). Anyhow, she surprised us with one of her black and white photos (double photos of hot air balloons taking off placed in a very cool frame). Today she realized that my husband's birthday and Name Day are coming up (both in the same week with her son's smack in the middle) and said she should have given the gift to him that week. These photos she gave us are my hubby's favorite from her last batch of cool stuff, so maybe she should have waited, but he LOVES it so much...well, there's always our family photo that she's taking - maybe a nice one of him and his son? She'll think of something, I'm sure! Today I bought the husband his birthday gift - can't say what it is just in case he checks in here. His Name Day gift is TOP SECRET and so is the anniversary gift...coming up in October.
We decided to just go out to our favorite sailor haunt in Bodega Bay for breakfast instead of the evening dress up dinner stuff. Easier for me and with the new medications I'm on going out to dinner may have me sleeping in my pasta. Not very romantic.
I'll bring my boards and a limited set of paints while he reads the paper and watches me paint. I know, we're weird, but it works for us. We're old people at heart, sorry. Then, he'll choose a painting and have it framed for the house. That's how it's gonna go, I just know it. Ah, now that's romance for us - a whole nine years of it! Forget roses and all that stuff, this is the stuff that we're really into. I just couldn't see him with a material girl. Wouldn't work in a million years.
Well, the Deadline is calling me to get it into gear over here. She's a pushy broad. What a muse to have.
Still working on the posting photo to come soon I hope. More to come soon!
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