Summer 2012

Summer 2012
BibeauArt of Santa Rosa

Monday, August 09, 2004

New Arts Entries for FALL 2004

Here we go again - I'm trying my second showing and contest at the Harvest Fair this time. I'm sure the artists are more 'polished' in this arena, but if I don't try, I'll never find out if I could have won something.

This time, the stakes are higher - not only do you get judged, but ALL the art must be for sale with 15% of the sales price going to the Fair and a good cause. The audience is more mature and well-heeled at times, so possibly someone will like my impressionistic version of where we live.

So far, I've decided to enter one painting that I already have - the boat painting that I didn't turn into the first fair contest but should have. Then, I've got three other paintings to work on plus - get ready to laugh - a decorated egg. Yes, egg! It's wooden and I've had them forever - primed and ready to go, but neve did anything with them. I've always had an idea for one of them of our little white chapel nextdoor on a bright summer night with stars and some flowers around it. Also, the church itself would be illuminated only by the moonlight - with stars in the sky (which we get around here in Summer quite well).

A friend of mine from the Republic of Georgia will be turning in her mixed media abstracts - she's a pro, and is certain to win! We are planning to go to the art auction - a fancy get together with all the artists to see who wants our artworks.

Boy, I've got some painting to do.

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