First of all, here is my link to my little art now you can leave lovely comments on it too!
Also, if you haven't read a paper or seen the news in forever, you need to be updated on the horrible RAINS we've been having. Like 48 #$%^&*( days of the stuff...ugh!!!
So, imagine my shock when yesterday the SUN actually came out. I thought I was gonna burn my eyeballs off - wow, didn't remember how bright a sun was! LOL!
Yeah, I'm whining - I mean, this isn't normal for around here. IF I truly was 'happy when it rained' (reference to the band Garbage) I'd live in Seattle. Really.
Ugh! So, I'm still in a funk, just got over the tummy flu which was SO much fun, and in the midst of all that, my boss is out of the office AGAIN. No, this isn't a good thing people. We work in tandem, not separate. I need her HERE. However, her Father in Law could die this weekend, so we understand, and miss her dearly here at work.
I'm beginning to FREAK out about the Woodstock statue because, well, it's coming up, however, I do my best work on deadlines. That's why I accidentally booked tickets to return the day AFTER they open up the studios where we'll be doing the statues. Well, it wasn't my fault they decided to open one day prior to what they told me before. Sigh again!!!
So, throwing caution to the wind and knowing that I've got a KILLER team of artists and people who know me and know when I need to CHILL OUT around me for those painting days...I feel better.
Of course, I think I blew this years Lenten Season. Doing it like a nun for the past 5 years took it out of me apparently. Well, I wasn't that good either, and not even close to a nun's Lenten duties, but it was WAY better than the slacking I'm doing now.
I started with such good intentions, as usual - and as usual, learned the valuable lesson and the POINT of Lent - that without God, we can do nothing. Literally. That's a good lesson I think and worth the ups and downs of Lent for me.
I am stopping work today at 3pm - that's a tradition. I've done it on every Good Friday since I can remember. The nuns would line us up at lunch, we'd do confessions and mass and go home at 3pm for some quiet time. Reflection, reading the Bible, gathering up your Operation Rice Bowl offerings for the church on Sunday.
Of course, this Sunday is Palm Sunday for the EO's, and we'll be getting palms from our good friends to replace the tiny little samples of palm leaves that we got last Sunday from the Catholics. Too tiny and I forgot how to braid it into a cross like I did when I was a kid. They all dried out.
JP is happy, it's Easter AND his birthday. Lucky duck!
So, check out the art site for fun, leave a message if you want and look for more updates on the Woodstock and Employee Art Show at the hospital!
I wish everyone a quiet afternoon and Good Friday evening along with a wonderful and hopefully sunny Easter.
He is Risen!